This morning, as I sat in prayer, going through my head
about each step of the VA experience:
Labs, infusion and appointment. I got on an Access Para transit ride to
the VA, leaving my wife to meet me later, after the appointment. I got a call,
an hour into my ride with heavy traffic, from my wife, saying the doctor was sick and canceled
the appointment. At first, I was disappointed but took it with a stride.
All day at the VA, not fun! I turned it around and looked at
it as a day of fun at the Starbucks!! I arrived at the VA with the only hope of
having my wife, enduring a two hour
drive to pick me up and another day off for going to the VA.
I wheeled up to the infusion center where my medication
would be administered and they confirmed what my wife said, Dr. Baumheffner, my
neurologist, was sick and all visits would have to wait till be got better.
I started rolling
down to the Starbucks to get an iced Caramel Macchiato. My wife called and said
to go to the lab where they get the blood sample, I get prior to medication. I
wondered why? She said that the neurologist on call would cover for Dr.
Baumheffner. Miracle!!.
Didn’t expect to hear that at all!! When you deal with the
VA and they say NO! it usually means NO! And I know of 1.2 million that would
agree. We, Rosanna and I had an angel behind the scenes named Trish who was
ready and willing to go beyond the level of her pay-grade in order to
facilitate a needed medication to a veteran who was 4 weeks behind. Not only
that, she also made arrangements to see that Neurologist for an appointment
that Dr. Baumheffner had scheduled.
After the Infusion, we received a call that said we should
go to the place of the Neurologist. We however, got the call after we left to
go home. Miracle!! Everthing happened exactly as I prayed it to happen! Praise God!!
Some veterans do not enjoy or take their care with the VA
for granted.
I am truly pleased with Dr.W and his assistant Trish for their services rendered and carry the spirit of service. Thank You!!
Joseph and Rosanna DeVere
I am truly pleased with Dr.W and his assistant Trish for their services rendered and carry the spirit of service. Thank You!!
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